Maundy Thursday

Sermon by Pastor Emma Horn

Scripture Readings: Isaiah 50:4-9a, John 13:1-2,20-32

The liturgies used during the Lenten season are from “Feasting on the Word: Lenten Companion” edited by David L. Bartlett, Barbara Brown Taylor and Kimberly Bracken Long. Reprinted by permission of Westminster John Knox Press from “Feasting on the Word” Lenten Companion, Copyright 2014.

“O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”; Music: Hans Leo Hassler, Arr. Bill Wolaver; Arr. copyright 2002 Word Music, Inc.; CCLI #1786152, #20307272

“I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art”; WORDS: Attr. John Calvin (French S{salter), Trans. Elizabeth Lee Smith, MUSIC: Adapt. From Genevan 124 (Genevan Psalter); Public Domain

“Lord Have Mercy Upon Us”; MUSIC: John Merbecke, Arr. Healy Willan; Music © 1928, Oxford University Press; “Permission to reprint, podcast, and / or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-736451. All rights reserved.”

“An Upper Room Did Our Lord Prepare”; WORDS: Fred Pratt Green, MUSIC: English melody, harm. John Weaver; Words copyright 1974 Hope Publishing Company, Music Harm. copyright 1990 Hope Publishing Company; CCLI #1786152, #20307272

“Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed”; WORDS: Isaac Watts, MUSIC: Hugh Wilson, adapt. Robert Smith; Public Domain

“Ah, Holy Jesus”; WORDS: Johann Heermann, tr. Robert Bridges, alt., MUSIC: Johann Cruger; Public Domain

“O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”; WORDS: Attr. Bernard of Clairvaux (12th c.), tr. James W. Alexander, MUSIC: Hans Leo Hassler, arr. J. S. Bach; Public Domain

“He Never Said a Mumbalin’ Word”; WORDS and MUSIC: African-American Spiritual; Public Domain

“Were You There”; WORDS and MUSIC: African-American Spiritual; Public Domain



