Worship Service
Sunday 10:30 am
Nursery infant to 2 years
Fellowship Hour
Immediately following
worship service
Sunday School
September to June
Adults: 9:30 am
Children: 10:45 am
M-Th: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Phone: 410-766-4338
1020 East Way
Glen Burnie, MD 21060
The 18th annual Bid for Hope is here. Please join our church for a fun filled Sunday afternoon as we support God’s work being done through Arundel House of Hope. If you have never participated, do yourself a favor and join us. The day is filled with laughter, fun and friendship. Contact Sonja Bolotin or Becky Smith to…
Sermon by Rev Boucher, “The Way to Life: The Spiritual Discipline of Fasting” Scriptures: Matthew 6:16-18 & Luke 4:1-4 Following is the copyright information for Sunday, 28 January 2024: “Nocturne”; Felix Mendelssohn, Arranged by George Blake; Copyright 1983 Lorenz Publishing Company; CCLI #1786152, #20307272 “Be Thou My Vision”; WORDS: Irish Hymn, 8th c., tr. Mary E.…
Join us for our annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. This is a come and go meal from 5:00 until 7:00 p.m. The Outreach and Mission Committee will be flipping pancakes and frying sausages to your delight! Coffee, juice, and fellowship will be available as well. Cost: $3/person with a $10/maximum per family. Tickets will be…
Sermon by Rev Susan Boucher: The Spiritual Discipline of Prayer
Due to the inclement weather, the church building is closed today. All events and activities are cancelled. Please stay warm, dry, and safe.
Due to the inclement weather, the church building is closed today. The Tuesday Food Pantry will also be closed. We look forward to serving you next Tuesday.
Sermon by Rev Boucher, “The Way to Life: The Spiritual Discipline of Worship” Scriptures: Mark 1:4-11
Sermon by the Rev. Susan Boucher Following is the copyright information for Sunday, 7 January 2024: “Choralpartita ‘From Heaven Above to Earth I Come’”; Friedrich Zachau, edited by Diane Bish; Copyright 1984 by Gentry Publications; “Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-736451. All rights…
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