Christmas Family Afternoon

On December 8th, from 12:30 to 3:00 pm, Harundale Presbyterian Church invites its members, as well as friends and neighbors, to join us for an afternoon of fellowship and joy. We’ve been working through a sermon series on sharing God’s love with our neighbors and the world, and will celebrate His faithfulness over a meal in the newly dedicated “Sam Shaffer Fellowship Hall”.

The Outreach/Mission Committee is providing Turkey/Chicken (Entrees) plus coffee/tea setup. We ask that Church members bring a side dish, dessert, or other drink (maybe wassail?) along with something for the Angel Tree (mittens, scarves, hats) or canned goods to benefit Anne Arundel House of Hope and/or our HPC food pantry

Potluck Signups here:

The infamous HPC band will perform (plus SOLOS this year!)

Plenty of Crafts will be available to make before and after you eat!



