Good Friday

Sermon by Pastor Emma Horn

Scripture Readings: John 18:28-19:30

“Near the Cross”; Tune: NEAR THE CROSS by William H. Doane, arr. Lloyd Larson; Copyright 2013 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation; CCLI #1786152, #20307272

“The Old Rugged Cross”; WORDS and MUSIC: George Bennard; Public Domain

“Beneath the Cross of Jesus”; WORDS: Elizabeth C. Clephane, MUSIC: Frederick C. Maker; Public Domain

“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”; WORDS: Isaac Watts, MUSIC: Lowell Mason; Public Domain

“Jesus Paid It All”; Tunes: ALL TO CHRIST by John T. Grape and ST. CHRISTOPHER by Frederick C. Maker, arr. Ruth Elaine Schram; Copyright 2008 Lorenz Publishing Co., a division of The Lorenz Corporation; CCLI #1786152, #20307272



