The following posts are all in the category:

  • Christmas Family Afternoon

    On December 8th, from 12:30 to 3:00 pm, Harundale Presbyterian Church invites its members, as well as friends and neighbors, to join us for an afternoon of fellowship and joy. We’ve been working through a sermon series on sharing God’s love with our neighbors and the world, and will celebrate His faithfulness over a meal…

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  • Hurricane Response

    (Reposting from the Baltimore Presbytery e-newsletter, with info about HPC’s specific response below.) As Hurricane Milton barrels towards Florida’s coast, Hurricane Helene’s widespread destruction still weighs heavily. Entire neighborhoods have been wiped out, and countless families are without shelter…and it’s about to get worse. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is responding through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA).…

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  • Closed for weather – 1/19

    Due to the inclement weather, the church building is closed today. All events and activities are cancelled. Please stay warm, dry, and safe.

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  • Food Pantry

    The Food Pantry will be closed on July 4th and July 11th, 2023. It will reopen on July 18th.

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    Holy Week Services

    Join us for Holy Week and Easter Services on Palm Sunday (April 2nd) at 10:30 am, Maundy Thursday (April 6th) at 7pm, and Easter Sunday (April 9th) at 10:30 am.

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  • A new look for the website!

    Newspaper headline "Extra! Extra!"

    The IT team has updated the website to be more useful and to look good on more screen sizes. Now all the content lays out nicely whether you’re reading on the widest of computer screens or the smallest of mobile phones. We’ve also changed the home page to make it easier to find upcoming events.…

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  • He Loves Us

    Headshot of Jeff Kollar

    As part of the officer training for 2023, the officers (elders, deacons, and trustees) opted to have “Love” be the theme for the year. Look for it to be echoed throughout the year, as we love because He first loved us. And in the meantime, Jason loves you too, Jeff Kollar!

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